617   We Are Living We Are Dwelling

We are living we are dwelling
In a grand and awful time
In an age on ages telling
To be living is sublime.
Hark! the waking up of nations
Gog and Magog to the fray;
Hark! what soundeth? Is creation
Groaning for her latter day?

Christian rouse and arm for conflict
Nerve thee for the battlefield;
Bear the helmet of salvation
And the mighty gospel shield;
Let the breastplate peace be on thee
Take the Spirit s sword in hand;
Boldly fearlessly go forth then
In Jehovah s strength to stand.

And the prince of evil spirits
Great deceiver of the world!
He who at the blessed Jesus
Once his deadly weapons hurled;
Cometh with unwonted power
Knowing that his reign will cease
When the kingdom shall be given
To the mighty Prince of Peace.

Christian rouse! fight in this warfare
Cease not till the victory s won;
Till your Captain loud proclaimeth
"Servant of the Lord well done!"
He alone who thus is faithful
Who abideth to the end
Hath the promise in the kingdom
An eternity to spend.